Sunday, January 4, 2009

Don't Tell Me I'm Too Old!

I love my girlfriends. I love the fun I have with them and I love how much they love me. But what I don't love are those stupid cartoons they send me, the ones of the old lady pointing out that we're old, our breasts sag, our stockings bag and our eyes can't see. Excuse me?

What's wrong with women that we feel the need to point out our individual flaws not only to our significant others, but to the world at large? "Oh look, I'm 50, see how my ass has suddenly fallen?" Is it an excuse not to pay attention to the way we look, to health, to our well-being? I've heard women say, "I'm (50, 60, 70), I'm so happy I don't have to worry about those things anymore." Wrong-O. You do. Not for others, but for yourself. Chances are you'll live into your 80s or 90s. Don't you want to be healthy and vigorous as long as possible? Don't you want your mind to be alive and to face life with eager curiosity? Or do you want to only be able to sit in a chair someplace and just stare?

It's all about mindset and I think many of us need to change ours. People at work tell me they have employees (usually women) who say they can't learn some new system. "They're close to retirement and just don't seem invested." So retire and clear the way for those who are invested. Can't? Then you better change that mindset and learn because, in these troubled economic times, don't expect anyone to be invested in you even after years of service. Act active, be active and you're a valuable resource. Whine you're too old to learn and you're dead wood. 

Too old? Tell that to my father. He's into his 91st year and within the past ten years he's learned how to use a cell phone and computer. He emails, checks his stocks online and has sent me pictures that he's "bundled." He uses "google" as a verb and scolded me that I "really should" download GoogleEarth. (I did!) Last month, after seeing the Chuck Berry film he said, "I think I'm starting to like rock 'n roll!" Oh, and this lifelong Republican acknowledges Hillary Clinton as smart and said Barack Obama seems to be making appointments based on skill and not party. These actions and comments indicate a man who is still learning, thinking and growing. And, he's always dressed to the nines. 

It's all about mindset. For 2009 I'd like to invite all women "of a certain age" to adopt Obama's theme: Yes we can! Yes we can look fantastic. Yes we can be healthy and fit. Yes we can learn new technologies and processes. Yes we can look in the mirror and exclaim, "Damn woman, you sure are fine!" Old? That's so 2008.  


  1. Love this post Deborah, for many reasons. It is a glass 3/4th full, rather than ---awww, look at the what has evaporated...those tiny lines, the little twitch in the knees that wasn't there before. Ok, say those things, but move on to all that is right, the wonderful, deep experience of life - the rich networks of longtime friends and the pleasant surprise of new ones who love and accept you just the way you are, along with telling you how fabulous you are... And the family stuff that comes with age, and can't happen with little ones still figuring out the system. We know the system now, and can find ways to either work within it, around it, and go over it when needed, or even change it.

  2. Not to mention the expertise we now have. This morning my client told me an analysis of a situation I did was "brillant." Didn't get that when I was younger and didn't understand deep organizational politics!

    Thanks for posting.
